Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Elementary Spirit Wear

Presenting RockSports line of Mascot Letters T-shirts - RockSports talented artist V....Vaughan created a unique line of cute, school spirit tees using her trademark letters design. The artwork was actually created several years ago for school fundraising. We are excited now to offer the full line of mascot t-shirts online. The online version provides a convenient resource to view all of the available mascots. The online version also includes an online ordering function where you can customize your order for your school.

RockSports Mascot Letters T-shirts are perfect for elementary school spirit wear. The designs are unique in that they are very colorful. Most screen printing shops will not print more than three to four colors on a T-shirt. RockSports specializes in seven to eight color designs. The only requirement for such a unique design is that you must order a minimum of 72 shirts per custom order.

Another great feature of the RockSports Mascot Line is that the shirts work great as a school wide fundraiser. The elementary spirit wear tees are priced so that your school can make a profit. At $10 per shirt you can easily resell your shirts at $15, making $5.00 per shirt sold. Not only will the children love the shirt, but you can offer it to the community to support your school.

Figure 1. Shows how you can customize your order by putting text above and below the design. You can also choose the color of your font and the color of the shirt. Note that if you order a dark shirt the price goes up slightly.

Figure 2. demonstrates where the "accent color" is located on the designs. Typically the mascot letters contain a mascot that is wearing the school colors. In the Eagles example the eagle is wearing a green shirt. You could change that color to your school's color.

If you have any questions about getting a mascot letter design for your school, you can order online, email us, or call us - 800-324-5152.

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

That is so great! I think that the amount of school spirit a child has can often be telling about their entire future. Those with a lot of school spirit tend to be in class presidencies, who tend to have good grades, who tend to get good post education, etc. Way to go!